It’s now mid-September, and we’re excited to announce that construction of Villa Mari’s new winery and tasting room is well underway!
The first things to go in are the footings and foundations, including the future area of the wine caves, which will be more than 10 feet underground and allow us to age our wines in the traditional manner. The caverns will serve two important functions: First, the constant temperatures of between 55 and 60 degrees fahrenheit and naturally high humidity will allow our wines to age in ideal conditions - no temperature fluctuations will prevent the wine from experiencing undesirable chemical reactions, and high humidity will prevent excessive ullage (evaporation of wine) from the barrels. Secondly, the fact that both the constant temperature and high humidity will occur naturally underground allows us to conserve resources that would otherwise be spent recreating these conditions above ground. Both of these things mean more and better wine, with a much lower environmental footprint.
Though the wine caverns and the architecture of the project are obviously a nod to the older traditions of winemaking, the new winery will also contain state-of-the-art winemaking equipment and room for us to grow well into the future. These other areas of the winery will be featured in upcoming construction updates, so keep checking back.